Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Research Study On The Foster Care - 2167 Words
Abstract This research study will examine whether or not the foster care age out transition process, including the availability of specific education programs (i.e. banking, home building and economics, college prep) as well as the availability of resources provided to foster children prior to â€Å"aging out†of the foster care system, has a direct impact on a perceived â€Å"successful†or â€Å"non-successful†transition to independent living. This research will gather information from three specific groups of people; current licensed foster parents, foster care social workers and former foster children that have aged-out of the foster care system within the last two years. This study will be utilizing the nonprobability method of purposive sampling as all research participants will be selected on the basis of their participation with the foster care system in three different specific roles. This research will study the perceptions of whether or not there are adequate programs designed and utilized for the purpose of successful transition. This information will be gathered by three separate questionnaires specifically designed to address each role of the foster care study. The information will be utilized for the intent of evaluating the age-out process of foster care for minors transitioning into adults. â€Å"I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims ofShow MoreRelatedChild Maltreatment And The Child Welfare System Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Foster care is defined as an out of home placement outside of the biological family. Individuals are placed in foster care due to some form of child maltreatment, rather it be sexual abuse, neglect, and/or physical abuse. 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